my girlfriends have always poked fun at me for always wanting to be more european... so i thought this was a funny story about my first day in europe.
In my attempt to not be a 'tacky tourist', my first day in berlin i was on a mission to find a side bag to replace my backpack as friend from home told me she read in a book that it's unfashionable to wear backpacks, which I agree with. side-note: I personally believe that most europeans have great style, thus my (silly/joking) longing to be more european.
back to my story... i made friends with an english lad named john who i was telling about my shopping mission. john stopped me mid sentence with his laughter and said "laura, it's not your backpack that you have to worry about. i would say that it's your giant camera hanging around your neck and map in hand that would be the dead give away'.
needless to say that ended my search for a side-bag. my newest theory is that if i walk at a quick speed it will look like i know where i am going. i could be wrong, i'm starting to wonder if maybe that's why i got so lost in the first days was here.
excited for all the adventures you are having! Enjoy!