Thursday, September 29, 2011

join me in my challenge to have an entire month all about 'me'.

snooze, snooze, snooze. reset alarm clock for 15 mins later to avoid hitting snooze for the forth time which leaves me feeling lazy. ---> grab some quick food from the fridge (aka unhealthy crap) because i'm running late from my 'snooze' overload. don't forget to grab my gym bag before i leave the house to workout after work. ---> drag my butt to work and take a tiny cat nap on the couch with the kids while watching a movie (this is a HUGE no, no. don't tell my boss). ---> leave work with the intention to go to workout, but don't go because i'm so tired. it's the thought that counts...right?! ---> pack my nights full of hangouts and don't get home until late. ---> stay up until 12 on the computer checking facebook and think to myself, man i'm going to be dog tired when my alarm goes off at 5:30am tomorrow. ---> 5:30 comes ....snooze, snooze, snooze...

things that are missing from the above list...

1) working out; no Lo, the thought doesn't count, get your butt to the gym.

2) sleep; i feel like i am literally dragging through life. no matter how much i try to convince myself i am a person who only needs a few hours of shut eye a night, it's not true. sleep is important and i need at least 6-7 hours a night.

3) time to myself; this excludes my computer. with my laptop comes facebook which technically is not time to myself, it's time with myself and my560 best friends!

this brings me to the point of this post. september has been a brutal month for self care and i am literally am exhausted. have you ever felt like you are on a conveyor belt and you riding along and though you feel like you need to stop for a rest, things just keep motoring on?? it's so tiring! thus i am declaring the month of october as the 'me' month. i'm going to look out for what is best for me and getting a grip on life again.


  1. Good luck friend! I will be looking for this as soon as I am done this all-consuming CELTA course and full work week rotations. I honestly cannot tell you the last time I have had a day... one whole day... without something to do: maybe the last time was my birthday. I will be asking for your tips on Nov 24th!!!

  2. First tip, my lovely friend.. purchase some candles from Bath and Body Works. I have the Christmas Tree one (not actually called that) and the Cranberry one. I burn them before bed every night, I am LOVING it!
    Freedom is almost yours my friend!

  3. number one is something we will force on each other please
