Monday, January 10, 2011


sabbath is a day of rest that is set aside specifically to only worship and honor God. in the ten commandments the fourth on the list is to 'honor the sabbath day, keep it holy. work six days and do everything you need to do. but the seventh day is a sabbath to God, your God...' (exodus 20:8). do you celebrate sabbath? do you set aside one day of the week to do nothing but honor God?

i was speaking with my friend about what it really means to honor the sabbath and asked her what it would look like to her if she were to take a day to do nothing but honor and worship the Lord. she told me that she would probably go snowshoeing
, i love her response. it wasn't the response i was expecting to hear. for my friend, being out in nature, by herself, having time to reflect is her act of worship, her way of spending time with the Lord.

i think that typically when we think about practicing the day of sabbath we picture being in church worshiping and fasting all day. for some this certainly could be a way to honor sabbath, but it's not how everyone does.

to be totally honest, i don't really practice sabbath. i don't really even know much about what it means to honor the day of sabbath. but as i continue to study what the meaning of sabbath is in my personal devotion time, the more eager i become to actively start practicing sabbath.

some of the things that i might do on the day of sabbath…
- go for a hike in banff
- go for a drive in the country
- go for a swim (if you know me, you know i’m a fish. i can just swim for hours and it clears my head, allows me to think and pray, sort of like people that like to go for a run).
- play my guitar

if you practice sabbath what does that look like in your life? what are your thoughts on what it should look like?

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