Wednesday, December 22, 2010

goodbye forever. i really mean it this time.

dear coffee,

i have given you plenty of chances to wow me with what everyone else sees in you. but even when i continuously get a horrible impression of you every time we share quality time together, i still seem to think that i should give you a second (third, forth, fifth...) chance.

don't get me wrong, you have some great qualities which is why i believe i have given you so many chances to win my heart. you smell amazing. you are very social and tend to hang out in large groups of people or even in smaller, more intimate settings. you seem to be the first thing that most people want in the morning. you're very cultured, seems as though it doesn't matter where i travel to in the world, you are there. you're presences can turn someones horrible mood into a more calm and relaxed mood within seconds, what a talent!

but none of that matters because you make me feel sick. your aftertaste is completely repulsive, not to mention that it tends to linger around for what seems an eternity, nasty. you smell absolutely horrible on everyones breath that consumes you, which leaves me somewhat self-conscious of my own breath when i drink you and then am forced to talk to someone. you don't taste good to me unless you have 3/4 milk/sugary syrup/water in you which isn't all that good for you anyways so i'm ruling that possibility out too.

so i am sorry but i'm done giving you second chances. i'm moving on. tea will always be my favorite.



  1. Good times Laura! nice bloggin'
    I've got a starbucks rant kickin around my computer somewhere. You've inspired me to dig that one up and maybe post it!

    Keep up the posts!

  2. Bahahaha! Laura you're absolutely hilarious. I love it! I find it funny that I sit here drinking my third cup of morning coffee as I read Good post!
